

SAT Competition 2018

The 2018 SAT Competition is a competitive event for solvers of the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problem. It is organized as a satellite event to the 21th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing and stands in the tradition of the yearly SAT Competitions and SAT-Races / Challenges.


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MaxSAT Evaluation 2018

The 2018 MaxSAT Evaluation (MSE 2018) is the primary competition-style event focusing on the evaluation of MaxSAT solvers organized yearly since 2006. The main goals of MaxSAT Evaluation 2018 (MSE 2018) are to assess the state of the art in the field of MaxSAT solvers, to collect and re-distribute a heterogeneous MaxSAT benchmark set for further scientific evaluations, and to promote MaxSAT as a viable option for solving instances of a wide range of NP-hard optimization problems.


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Sparkle SAT Challenge 2018

The Sparkle SAT Challenge 2018 is a novel competitive event that aims to assess the state of the art in solving the Boolean satisfiability (SAT) problem, leveraging cutting-edge automatically constructed algorithm selectors, and to quantify contributions of individual solvers.


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QBFEVAL’18 is the 2018 competitive evaluation of QBF solvers, and the thirteenth evaluation of QBF solvers and instances ever. QBFEVAL’18 awards solvers that stand out as being particularly effective on specific categories of QBF instances.


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